Peace & Blessings

Affirmative & Inspirational thoughts for a Connected & Joyful Life

Peace & Blessings

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“Fear not, little flock, for it is your Father’s good pleasure to give you the kingdom.” Luke 12:32

Given the kingdom

I open my hands

I accept the gift

I now understand

Given with pleasure

I smile and receive

I accept the fullness

I truly believe

Given with Joy

I laugh and I flow

I move now in harmony

I simply let go

Given with Peace

I gently am led

I enter the silence

I breathe and I’m fed 

Given with Beauty

I dive in the stream

I glide with the current

I swim in the dream

Given with Love

I transcend the “part”

I feel Spirit wholly

I live from my heart

Giving the kingdom

My Father’s good pleasure

My Mother’s pure grace

Accepting’s the treasure

It Is So and So It Is

Author: Dr. Patricia

As a Spiritual Being having a human experience I am gratefully loving life on the Big Island of Hawai'i. I have been a Naturopathic physician for over 39 years and I am the mother of seven, grandmother of twelve, midwife to hundreds and friend to many. I welcome personal consultations utilizing Homeopathy, Nutrition and Mind-Body integration for optimum health. Please email me for personal consultations;

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