Peace & Blessings

Affirmative & Inspirational thoughts for a Connected & Joyful Life

Peace & Blessings

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“Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions.”Albert Einstein

Imagine what it feels like

To butterflies and bees

The myriad of colors

The dancing on the breeze

Imagine what the bird feels

While gliding in the air

The wind beneath its wings

The lightness, not a care

Imagine you’re the ocean

Washing on the shore

Creating sand-carved pictures

That always yield to more

Imagine life abundant

Magnificence and grace

Imagine loving everything

And living from that place

Imagine taking challenges

And turning them with ease

To stepping stones that give you

A higher view that frees

Imagination’s everything

Your glimpse into the Real

Imagining the very best

Imagine it, then feel

For feeling all the Goodness

Expecting it to show

Creates your Life abundant

And Goodness you will know


 So Be It

Author: Dr. Patricia

As a Spiritual Being having a human experience I am gratefully loving life on the Big Island of Hawai'i. I have been a Naturopathic physician for over 39 years and I am the mother of seven, grandmother of twelve, midwife to hundreds and friend to many. I welcome personal consultations utilizing Homeopathy, Nutrition and Mind-Body integration for optimum health. Please email me for personal consultations;

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